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  2. Best Practice Guide

Ad-driven distribution compliance guidelines

Medianet has partnered with iCrowdNewswire (iCN) to offer a new way of distributing your press release outside of the traditional channels to boost your reach. In order to include your ad on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, all Ad-driven Distribution orders must adhere to the compliance guidelines.

As part of iCN’s compliance check, the press release content and landing page (link destination, including your organisation’s website) will be reviewed for words that may be flagged by the ad platforms. Please allow a minimum of 12 hours for compliance checks to be completed. 

In the case where there are words related to the non-compliant topics and categories, the press release and/or landing page would have to be changed to ensure the ad campaigns can run safely. 

It is important to note that the ad platforms also consider the context and the taste of the content to make their assessments, so in a scenario where a word like “political” is mentioned in a financial-related release, that would not be a problem.

In the case where a major proportion of the press release is about a topic or category that is non-compliant, iCN may reject the order.


Non-compliant topics & categories:

Please note that words relating to or belonging to these topics and categories are also to be considered.

  1. Discriminatory content
  2. Fraud and deception
  3. Trademark infringement
  4. Copyright infringement
  5. Alcohol and drugs
  6. Weapons and ammunition
  7. Adult content
  8. Gambling
  9. Cryptocurrency
  10. Diseases and medical procedures
  11. Politics content
  12. Social issues
  13. Hacking, phishing, and malicious software
  14. Dating services
  15. Animal products
  16. Misleading claims or information
  17. Cannabis, CBD/CBD oil, or related products (such as gummies associated)
  18. Legal matters pertaining to marriage, divorce & domestic abuse
  19. Invasion of privacy
  20. Rap music and gang activities

Additional references (updated 2024):

Reference: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6015406?hl=en&ref_topic=1626336&sjid=7716012384335192435-NA

Key Points:
  • Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, google will be temporarily pausing Google ads from serving users located in Russia. (No content related to this should be allowed).
  • Dangerous or derogatory content: Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity. Extortion, blackmail, soliciting & content advocating suicide, anorexia, or other self-harm, including content promoting hate groups isn't allowed as usual.
  • Sexually explicit content: Text, image, audio, or video of graphic sexual acts intended to arouse & content promoting underage, non-consensual, or other illegal sexual themes, whether simulated or real. Rape, incest, dating & compensated sexual acts aren't allowed.
  • Mail-order brides: Content promoting marriage to a foreigner, mail-order brides, international marriage brokers, or romance tours-related content isn't allowed.
  • Shocking content: Promotions containing violent language, gruesome or disgusting imagery like a crime scene or accident photos, execution videos, or promotions that suggest you may be in danger, be infected with a disease, or be the victim of conspiracy-related content aren't allowed.