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Alex Treloar is currently working as a Journalist at ABC Rural

28 April, 2022

unnamedAlex Treloar is currently working as a Journalist at ABC Rural, a role she has held since November 2021. She also is a Board Member for Arts Mildura, and a Freelancer Writer for Media Marketing and Communications.

Alex says that working a career in media wasn’t what she envisioned when she was younger, as she first started studying performing arts with the goal of becoming an actor.

“That training did set me up with transferable skills for broadcast journalism, and also gave me me confidence in presentation.”

“I’m sure some people could see the comparisons between performing and journalism!”

She first started her journey into the media industry through work experience and began working at the Mildura Weekly, a regional newspaper, during her university break.

During her time studying at Charles Sturt University she joined their radio station, and presented news bulletins at other community radio stations.

“I wanted these experiences because I knew I wanted to end up at the ABC.”

Being in regional media specifically, Alex says that she feels as though she has an “extra responsibility” to show the stories that are most important to the community she is broadcasting to.

“If you are not telling them, they are certainly not being told by metro media.”

“I may be bias, but you won’t get better yarns than out in the country. The characters you meet and the experiences you are afforded just don’t get more diverse than those in regional areas.”


Looking back on her younger years of first starting out in this industry, Alex says that the most important thing she would tell herself is to trust the process, and to start to believe in her own abilities.

“Stop with the imposter syndrome!”

“I worked hard as a student and a young journo, but I constantly felt that I wasn’t smart enough or across enough issues.”

Alex says that her fears of not being good enough to survive in media helped drive these insecurities further, and that they are ultimately unfounded.

“If you get a job in the media industry you obviously have the skills, and I was employed before I graduated so I must have contributed something of note!”

“Just chill out, do what you need to do, but enjoy the process a bit more.”

The most interesting piece Alex has written in the last few months includes her story on how a renewable energy company in North-West Queensland turned a noxious weed, prickly acacia, into a carbon neutral energy similar to coal.

“I am so lucky to be working in a place where there are constantly new and innovative projects being trialled out here.”

Her favourite piece she has written, however, includes an example of the story of Kelly Davis, a 22 year-old university student that dedicates her time to run the Cloncurry Centrelink by herself, supporting her community and providing assistance to anyone who needs her.

“She is a prime example of someone who is changing people’s lives every day through little but significant things.”


“I love nothing more about my job than telling the stories of everyday people doing extraordinary things.”

When asked about her research process for story-writing, Alex jokes that she really doesn’t have one.

“Is it bad that I don’t have one? Good old Google has made it really easy fior journos so everything you need will always be at the click of a mouse.”

“Also, having brilliant talent helps!”


Alex’s pitching preferences:


Email, and only relevant ones please! Too often they are too generic and just get deleted straight away.


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