An embargo is a direction or request on a media release that the information be kept confidential ...
Media and PR insights, tips, research, interviews and analysis.
With the Federal Budget announcement just around the corner, now’s the time to get prepared to add ...
With so many diverse PR strategies being used today, it can be hard to know what will deliver the ...
The PR, marketing and communications industries are constantly evolving to adapt to new ...
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It is hard to believe that social media as we know it has only been around for less than two ...
Everyone knows that sinking feeling you get in your stomach after sending a big email and realising ...
Sending an image with your press release should be a no brainer to increase your chances of ...
We’ve been doing some research on how humans interact with images and how news stories are best ...
There is an almost universal formula that your press releases should say what they need to say, and ...
A common mistake with many press releases is they stop just short of presenting all possible ...
Of all the sequential steps that go into crafting an effective press release, putting an effective ...