In 2022, Polish daredevil Tomasz Kozlowski will attempt to break the current world record for the ...
Media and PR insights, tips, research, interviews and analysis.
The digital age has changed many of the ways we present and view information in the media. Data is ...
Press releases are a great source of content for journalists. But when your target audience has ...
It is hard to believe that social media as we know it has only been around for less than two ...
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Everyone knows that sinking feeling you get in your stomach after sending a big email and realising ...
It’s hard to believe, but with March now just around the corner this means International Women’s ...
Sending an image with your press release should be a no brainer to increase your chances of ...
Important dates and events can provide a great backdrop or inspiration for PR and marketing ...
We’ve been doing some research on how humans interact with images and how news stories are best ...
A common mistake with many press releases is they stop just short of presenting all possible ...
The latest word out of global and US press release mega-firm PRNewswire is that press releases are ...