Media Research Information and Insights

Media Monitoring: Your questions answered

Written by Gopika B. Nair | Sep 30, 2024 8:00:00 PM

With news spreading faster than ever and public opinion constantly shifting, media monitoring has become an indispensable tool for organisations to stay ahead of the news cycle and the competition.

Today's media landscape demands more than just passive awareness—businesses and organisations need a real-time understanding of how they are perceived and the broader conversations shaping their industries.

Reliance on media monitoring services to analyse brand mentions, competitor activities and industry trends is rising. This shift is driven by the expanding scope of media (including online, TV, radio, and social media) and the need to manage public relations more effectively.

But what exactly is media monitoring, and why is it essential?


What is Media Monitoring?


Media monitoring refers to the process of automated tracking, aggregating and analysing a wide range of media channels—from traditional outlets like newspapers and TV broadcasts to digital platforms like blogs, podcasts, and social media channels—for mentions of specific topics, brands, individuals, or industries.

Media monitoring tools ensure businesses not only track their brand’s mentions across all media but also gain real-time insights into public perception, helping them stay agile in responding to news cycles or crises.


According to Medianet’s 2023 Australian Media Landscape Report (PR edition), the most commonly used tool or service for measuring PR success, identified by 68% of PR survey respondents, was 'mention tracking or a media monitoring platform’.

The Global Media Monitoring Tools Market report also suggests that as businesses across industries strive to harness the power of data-driven decision-making, media monitoring tools have emerged as essential assets for monitoring brand reputation, tracking competitors, and identifying emerging opportunities.

Whether it's inflation affecting consumer spending, a product recall shaking up industry standards, or a Taylor Swift tour causing a surge in airline traffic, media monitoring platforms equip organisations with the data they need to adapt their strategies.

Why is Media Monitoring essential?


Reputation management in real-time

Reputation is an organisation’s most valuable asset. News spreads fast—positive stories can enhance, and negative ones can harm, your brand within hours.

With media intelligence solutions like Medianet, organisations can ensure swift responses to potential crises or negative press. By staying on top of the shifting narrative, they can clarify misinformation, address complaints, and protect their brand reputation.

Crisis management

Crises are inevitable in businesses. The real challenge lies in managing the fallout effectively. Media monitoring acts as an early warning system, allowing organisations to detect potential crises before they escalate.

Responding swiftly isn’t enough—organisations need to be proactive in preventing small issues from becoming major PR disasters. Medianet's real-time insights help organisations prevent small problems from escalating, allowing for proactive crisis management.

Tracking PR campaigns

Media release distribution is just the first step of a public relations campaign. Media monitoring provides detailed data on how your company’s PR or marketing campaign is performing, from which outlets are picking it up to the sentiment and engagement it’s generating. Understanding how your PR efforts resonated with the target audience also matters, with innovations in measuring audience actions and reactions across platforms allowing for more precise insights into campaign effectiveness

For example, Medianet’s media monitoring tools allow organisations to easily track the reach and receipt of their press releases, ensuring that their message resonates with the intended audience. The ability to fine-tune future PR efforts based on this data is key to maximising outreach and effectiveness.

Sentiment analysis

Understanding how your brand, products, or competitors are perceived by the public/customers requires more than just tracking mentions—it requires knowing the sentiment behind those mentions.

Medianet reports that 74% believe PR success should be measured by both coverage amount and sentiment, with sentiment being slightly more important. 

Medianet's exclusive entity-based sentiment analysis reports allow organisations to quickly distinguish the general sentiment of an article from the sentiment towards your entities within the article.

Through this unique feature, businesses can combine sentiment data with other media insights and can make informed decisions that align with customer expectations and market shifts.


Competitor and industry analysis

Media monitoring helps you stay ahead by tracking competitor activity and market shifts, revealing new opportunities.

Tools like Medianet’s intuitive search builder let organisations track competitor mentions, industry trends, and broader market shifts, offering critical insights for adapting strategies. It essentially offers insights into what is working for others, thus helping companies to pivot their strategies and stay ahead of the competition.

Understanding customer sentiment

Understanding customer sentiment is key, and social media channels, review sites, and online forums are rich sources of feedback and opinions.

Medianet’s new media monitoring tool analyses social media mentions, and reviews across Australian platforms, capturing online conversations to reveal the public’s sentiment within the local landscape.

Measuring impact

This is the age of data-driven decision-making.

With Medianet’s media monitoring, organisations can measure a blend of outputs, outtakes, and outcomes to truly gauge the impact of PR and communication efforts.


From monitoring the content generated (outputs) to analysing audience reactions and engagement (outtakes), and ultimately assessing long-term shifts in awareness, attitudes, or behaviour (outcomes), this approach ensures that communication strategies are aligned with organisational goals and provide tangible value.


Why invest in Media Monitoring?


Media monitoring has always been essential, but its insights are now business-critical for protecting your brand's long-term success. As traditional media and digital platforms like social media and blogs expand, public opinion is shaped by more voices than ever, increasing the demand for comprehensive multichannel monitoring. Otherwise, organisations risk falling behind and failing to respond to changes in sentiment or competitor activity.

Media monitoring tracks not only mentions but also the context and sentiment behind them. This helps businesses identify trends, prevent crises, and fine-tune communications to ensure they resonate with their audience. Investing in advanced media monitoring and outreach services, such as those provided by Medianet, equips organisations with media intelligence that drives success.

A report by Ruepoint suggests that "with a centralised system, brands can streamline their monitoring processes, reducing the time and resources spent coordinating with multiple suppliers". Through Medianet's all-in-one media intelligent platform, organisations can create messages, deliver them to the right audience through the right media contacts, track their journey, and gain critical insights into their performance.

Whether you're protecting your brand’s reputation, adjusting your strategy based on competitor moves, or tracking customer sentiment, media monitoring is a must-have tool for businesses aiming to thrive in a fast-paced communication environment.

In today’s landscape, the ability to respond swiftly and intelligently to public discourse is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity for sustainable growth and success.

How much does Media Monitoring cost?


When considering media monitoring services, organisations should be aware of the significant differences in pricing structures among providers. Services like those from Medianet offer flexible, transparent plans and disruptive pricing that empower clients with clear pricing without hidden costs.

In contrast, many incumbent providers often employ restrictive and obscure pricing models, leaving organisations uncertain about what they will ultimately pay. This lack of clarity can lead to unexpected expenses and diminished return on investment.

By choosing a service that prioritises transparency and adaptability, organisations can ensure they receive the intelligence they need to succeed without the burden of hidden fees—making it crucial to be vigilant about what exactly is included in your media monitoring contract, and what isn’t.


Ready to discover more? Register your interest in for a free trial today or request a demo to see how Medianet can transform your public relations strategy. Take control of your narrative and future-proof your brand with Medianet.